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Radiance Detox Tea Wholesale
Radiance Detox Tea Wholesale Radiance Detox Tea Wholesale Radiance Detox Tea Wholesale Radiance Detox Tea Wholesale Radiance Detox Tea Wholesale Radiance Detox Tea Wholesale

Radiance Detox Tea Wholesale

Turmeric, Calendula, Nettle, Fennel, Ginger, Black Pepper

Tasting Notes - Floral, Earthy, Anise
Formulated to aid in lymphatic drainage and boost the immune system, our Radiance Detox Tea assists and restores balance internally. Each ingredient was chosen specifically to aid in these functions and to synergistically enhance the power of the whole formula. For this blend, we sourced a very special Turmeric from an organic herb farm in Hawaii (Adaptation Farm). The Turmeric is freeze-dried instead of air-dried, a technique used to preserve the vibrancy and potency of the root. Blended with Calendula, Nettle, Fennel Seed, Ginger and Black Pepper, this blend is delicious as it is beautiful. It truly looks like sunshine in a cup and we believe will bring you light and life force within.

Available In -
Retail Loose Leaf Pouch, 45g


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