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Digestive Seed Tea Wholesale
Digestive Seed Tea Wholesale Digestive Seed Tea Wholesale Digestive Seed Tea Wholesale

Digestive Seed Tea Wholesale

Fennel, Cinnamon, Coriander, Green Cardamom, Cumin

Tasting Notes - Warming, Grounding, Spicy
Our popular Digestive Seed tea has returned. In this new formulation, we have sourced our ingredients from the impeccable spice company, Diaspora Co., to offer you the highest quality in purity and efficacy. Inspired by the ethos of Ayurveda, which considers the digestive system to be the root of all health, our formula is a blend of seeds and bark designed to assist the body's digestive and circulatory function. As delicious as it is therapeutic, Digestive Seed tea is the perfect blend to enjoy before or after a meal to bring you ease and comfort.

Available In -
Retail Loose Leaf Pouch, 65g
Bulk Loose Leaf Bag, 1LB


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