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Assam Chai black tea
Assam Chai black tea Assam Chai black tea Assam Chai black tea Assam Chai black tea

Assam Chai black tea

Assam Tea, Ginger, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Black Pepper, Rose Petal, Peppermint

Tasting Notes - Sweet Spice, Peppery, Bold
Once you taste the Chai of India no other version compares - except ours. True to origin, we blend small beads of Assam black tea with potent, aromatic spices. We also include Indian Rose and a whisper of Peppermint to add subtle complexity to the blend’s rich sweetness. You may steep in a teapot to infuse, or for the traditional preparation, simmer in a saucepan on the stove with milk and sugar to taste.

Net Wt 100g / 25 Servings Loose Leaf Tea 
*will ship the week of Feb. 17th


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