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Mt Tamalpais Wholesale
Mt Tamalpais Wholesale Mt Tamalpais Wholesale Mt Tamalpais Wholesale Mt Tamalpais Wholesale Mt Tamalpais Wholesale

Mt Tamalpais Wholesale

Roasted Buckwheat, Lemon Verbena, Tarragon, Orange Peel, Anise Hyssop

Tasting Notes - Brown Rice, Candied Orange, Noyaux
Mt Tamalpais is a toasty and verdant infusion that marries Roasted Buckwheat with garden herbs and bright citrus. The blend was originally created in collaboration with Permanent Collection and is inspired by the landscape of coastal Northern California. Mt Tamalpais, from which the tea is named, is the tallest peak in the region and always in view when communing with the area’s wild nature. We offer this tea as an homage to the land and all it holds. When you drink this tea, our hope is that you feel the resonance of this special place and harmonize with the grounding and expansive energy of a beloved mountain.

Available In -
Retail Loose Leaf Pouch, 70g
Bulk Loose Leaf Bag, 1lb


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