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ADAPTOGEN: An herb that increases resilience to stress. Enables the body to rest in homeostasis.

Pimpinella anisum
Family: Apiaceae
Habitat: Anise likes full sun and well-drained, alkaline soil. It is suitable for all areas of North America, but the seeds won't ripen without a good hot summer. Grows 1-2 ft high. Sow in late spring. A good companion plant to Coriander. Annual.
Parts Used: Seed
Anise is a graceful annual herb that resembles other plants in the carrot family, with branching ridged, round stems and white, lace-like flower clusters. Anise is one of the oldest known plants grown for both culinary and medicinal use, with origins dating back to 2nd century Egypt. Anise Seed aids the digestive system and can be used to stimulate appetite, relieve cramps, nausea, flatulence, or colic. It may also increase the amount of iron absorbed by the body. Anise is associated with the element of Air, the God Apollo, and the astrological sign Gemini. Hang an Anise seed head from your bedpost to restore lost youth.

Agastache foeniculu
Family: Lamiaceae
Habitat: A lovely companion plant to many other perennials. Grows 2-4ft. tall. Thrives in fertile, well-drained soil and full sun. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf, Flower
Anise Hyssop is a member of the mint family. It is incredibly drought resistant and displays strength towards external pressures. Bees gravitate towards its lavender-hued flowers, and it has been a common herb in home gardens throughout the centuries for culinary and medicinal use. With a flavor reminiscent of licorice, it is soothing and sweet in nature and known to relieve coughs, colds, and other respiratory ailments. Historically, Anise Hyssop was viewed as a sacred plant used to heal the sick, and as an aromatic herb for purification, uplifting mood and spirit.

ANTIBACTERIAL: A substance that stops the growth of bacteria.

ANTIFUNGAL: A substance that inhibits the growth of fungi.

ANTI INFLAMMATORY: A substance that soothes or reduces inflammation or swelling in the tissue.

ANTIMICROBIAL: Compounds that help the body resist or destroy pathogenic microorganisms and help the body strengthen its
own resistance to infections.

ANTIOXIDANT: Compounds that prevent free radical or oxidative damage, may help protect against degenerative diseases.

ANTIVIRAL: A substance that inhibits the growth of a virus.

ASTRINGENT: Herbs that tighten and tone tissues, and dry excess secretions.

BITTERS: Herbs that stimulate digestion by enhancing the flow of digestive juices.

Piper nigrum
Family: Piperaceae
Habitat: Black pepper is a tropical climbing vine that enjoys hot temperatures, high humidity and mild winters. It grows best in rich, well-drained soil in full sun to light shade. Perennial.
Parts Used: Fruit
Black pepper is native to South India and was traded early between India and the West. It has strong antimicrobial properties and was historically used as a food preservative. It can stimulate the senses, and energize and sharpen memory. The oil from the fruit encourages strength, activates the third eye, and promotes courage and stamina. It is a warming spice and supports and increases circulation in the body.

CALENDULA (kuh-LEND-yuh-luh or kuh-LEN-juh-luh)
Calendula officinalis
Family: Asteraceae
Habitat: This flowering herb will readily reseed and only needs occasional watering once established. It prefers temperate climates, rich soil, and filtered sun. Blooms from spring through late fall in cooler climates. Annual.
Parts Used: Leaf, Flower
Part of the marigold family, this “sunshine” herb has bright green leaves and edible yellow to orange flowers. It has been noted throughout history for its healing, detoxifying, and antiseptic properties. Calendula offers mood elevating qualities that bring light and a sense of happiness. It offers protective qualities to fight infection and is deeply nourishing to the skin through its cellular regenerative qualities. Calendula is also an excellent lymphatic herb.

Eschscholzia californica
Family: Papaveraceae
Habitat: Grows and blooms abundantly in full sun. Requires little water but needs fast draining soil. Sow seeds in spring. Germination will occur in about 2 weeks. Perennial.
Parts Used: Flower, Stem, Leaf, Root
California Poppy is one of the first spring blossoms. It is a non-addictive, safe herb that is gentle enough for children. It is an excellent nervine and soothes agitated nervous systems. California Poppy functions as a gentle sedative to encourage relaxation and deep, restful sleep. It is connected to the heart (the nervous heart in particular) and may be used to gently relax and offer a sense of serenity.
* May increase the effects of other sedatives.

CARDAMOM (KAHR-duh-muhm)
Elettaria cardamomum
Family: Zingiberaceae
Habitat: Grows well in high-humidity, warm to hot temperatures in partial shade. Perennial.
Parts Used: Seed
This ancient spice is a stimulant and mood enhancer, and powerful digestive aid. Its distinct warming flavor of citrus and pine is used widely in both savory and sweet recipes. In Ayurveda, Cardamom is an important spice used to balance the triad of doshas and is used to help purify the liver. It is extremely labor intensive to cultivate, as it must be harvested by hand, making it extremely precious and highly prized. Cardamom is regarded as, “The queen of spices.”

CARMINATIVE: Herbs that stimulate the digestive system by soothing the gut wall, reducing inflammation, and helping the removal of gas from the digestive tract.

Nepeta cataria
Family: Lamiaceae
Habitat: Catnip is very easy to grow and thrives in sand or loam, well-drained soil. Full sun to partial shade. It is drought tolerant but grows best with consistent watering. Grows to 2-3 ft tall with late spring to early fall flowers. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf, Flower
Catnip is in the aromatic mint family, with heart shaped leaves and small fragrant pink or white flowers. Catnip has been used in folk medicine practices for centuries, brewed as a tea for love potions and to promote restful sleep. Its relaxing properties allow the heat of fever or frustration to be released. Considered extremely useful for children, it can support digestion and soothe the stomach. It is a cooling nervine that has sedative qualities and soothes stress in the body and mind and eases nervous energy.
* Should not be ingested during pregnancy. Drink tea in moderation, large amounts can cause nausea.

CHAMOMILE (KA-muh-meel)
Matricaria recutita
Family: Asteraceae
Habitat: Chamomile is a quick-growing herb best planted in spring. It can be grown in almost any type of soil, but prefers moist, well-fertilized loam and full sun. Perennial.
Parts Used: Flower
Chamomile is drying, bitter, sweet, and gentle. It is a powerful digestive tonic and can soothe an upset stomach. Chamomile evokes relaxing and soothing energies that can soften the impact of stress. The herb is so gentle it is safe for most infants and children. A herbal teacher once said, a sign that a child might benefit from Chamomile is if one cheek is flushed and the other not.

CINNAMON (SIN-uh-muhn)
Cinnamomum verum
Family: Lauraceae
Habitat: There are hundreds of species within the Cinnamomum genus that are native to tropical and subtropical regions. They vary from smaller shrubs to tall trees. The plants have a slow to moderate growth rate and can be planted in spring or early fall in well-drained acidic soil. Full to partial shade. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf, Bark
Throughout history, Cinnamon has been one of the most revered spices, valued for its many medicinal benefits as well as its warming sweet aroma. It is rich in antioxidants that help reduce the damage of free radicals in the body, reduce inflammation, and boost cognitive function. Cinnamon is warming and stimulates energies that enhance circulation. It has a special affinity for the female reproductive system, though pregnant women should not consume Cinnamon in large quantities.

Coriandrum sativum
Family: Apiaceae
Habitat: Plant in early spring or fall. Grows best in partial shade. Once established, it will thrive in full sun and well-drained soil. Annual.
Parts Used: Leaf, Seed
Coriander is a highly aromatic plant with a slender stem and delicate white or pale pink blossoms. In the Middle Ages it was used in love potions and as an aphrodisiac. Energetically, the leaves are cooling and may be used to ease skin irritations. The seeds, however, are warming and are prescribed to improve appetite and stimulate digestion.

Cuminum cyminum
Family: Apiaceae
Habitat: Cumin has a longer growing season, taking 120 days to fruit. It can be difficult to transplant so is best grown in warmer climates and sown outdoors in fertile, sandy loam soil and full sun. Plants can reach up to 2 ft tall. Annual.
Parts Used: Fruit
Cumin is one of the oldest cultivated herbs. Folklore says that Cumin possessed powers of faithfulness; in the Middle Ages brides and grooms would carry a bundle of seeds during wedding ceremonies and the seeds would be baked into bread to prevent it from being stolen. Cumin seed is used often in Ayurveda for digestive support and herbalists prescribe it to ease wind and bloating.

DANDELION (DAN-dl-ahy-uhn)
Taraxacum officinale
Family: Asteraceae
Habitat: Grows best in moist to dry, neutral soil and full sun. Though it will grow well in a variety of conditions. Best planted in early spring through late summer, dandelion grows quickly with seeds germinating in about 10 days. Perennial.
Parts Used: Whole plant
Dandelion is a treasured plant used as a restorative tonic and edible food. It is energetically drying, bitter, and cooling and can calm heat in the body as well as hot emotions. It is a strong liver tonic and powerful digestive bitter herb that can heal and nourish the entire digestive tract.
* People with gallstones or bile duct obstruction should not consume dandelion.

DEMULCENT: Herbs that are rich in mucilage that soothe and protect irritated or inflamed tissue.

DIAPHORETIC: Induces perspiration, enabling the skin to eliminate waste from the body, improves circulation.

DIURETIC: Increases the production and elimination of urine.

ELDERBERRY (EL-der-beh-ree)
Sambucus Nigra
Family: Adoxaceae
Habitat: Grows in rich, moist soil and full sun to partial shade. Perennial. Parts Used: Leaf, Flower, Berry
Elderberry has been used to make preserves, syrups, wines, and infusions for centuries. Its primary action is to dry and cool, reducing phlegm and easing cough and sore throat. It is considered a comprehensive immune support. The flowers are delicate and fragrant with a honeyed aroma. Best used in an infusion to relax the body and reduce fever.

EMMENAGOGUE: Herbs that support female reproductive health and stimulate menstrual flow and activity.

EXPECTORANT: Soothes bronchial spasms and helps dry irritating coughs. Promotes the elimination of mucus from the lungs by
loosening mucus secretions.

Foeniculum vulgare
Family: Apiaceae
Habitat: Fennel is a sun loving plant and grows best in fertile, well-drained soil. Seed after the last frost in spring. Aromatic yellow flowers will bloom in late summer, followed by seeds that can be harvested along with the foliage. Perennial.
Parts Used: Whole Plant
In medieval times, Fennel was used to ward off evil spirits and was said to impart courage and strength for one who carried it. Fennel seed is often used to ease digestion, stimulate the appetite, freshen breath, and increase milk production in nursing mothers. The aroma of fennel is fresh, energizing and revitalizing.

GALACTAGOGUE: Herbs that increase the secretion of milk to nursing mothers.

Zingiber officinale
Family: Zingiberaceae
Habitat: Ginger thrives in hot, humid weather and well-drained, rich soil. Full sun to partial shade. Does not tolerate freezing. The plant has slender, long green leaves and pale-yellow flowers with purple edges. Grows 3 ft or taller. Perennial.
Parts Used: Rhizome
Ginger is widely used as a spice and is one of the most called upon herbs in Western and Eastern medicine. Considered a heating stimulant, it promotes blood flow and circulation and eases headaches. Ginger is widely used to soothe an upset stomach or reduce nausea and motion sickness. It is a warming, stimulating, and energetic spice that is associated with the element of fire. Dried ginger is the most warming, while fresh ginger can have a more cooling yet still stimulating effect.
* Do not consume large quantities if you have gallstones or are pregnant. May enhance effects of anticoagulant drugs.

HEPATIC: Pertains to the liver, improves liver function.

HIBISCUS (hahy-BIS-kuhs)
Family: Malvaceae
Habitat: Grows best in warm climates with full sun and well-drained soil. Perennial. Parts Used: Flower, Leaf, Seed
The lovely hibiscus flower is a symbol of the divine feminine, ephemeral beauty, and joy. The flower holds powerful nutritional properties and can naturally aid in lowering blood pressure. Tea can be made from the flowers and has the ability to cool the body and soothe fatigued muscles. An excellent source of Vitamin C.
* Hibiscus is not considered safe during pregnancy.

LAVENDER (LAH-ven-der or LAV-uhn-der)
Lavandula angustifolia
Family: Lamiaceae
Habitat: Lavender prefers full sun and dry, rocky soil with good drainage. Typically propagated from cuttings. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf, Flower, Stem
Lavender is highly aromatic and cleansing to the mind, body, and spirit. Taken internally, it is immune boosting, clearing and balancing. Lavender gently strengthens the nervous system and can instill a sense of inner peace and groundedness.

LEMON BALM (LEH-muhn bahm)
Melissa officinalis
Family: Lamiaceae
Habitat: Thrives in moist, well-drained soil. Full sun to partial shade. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf
Use Lemon Balm to chase away melancholy and uplift the spirit. Its positive energy reduces anxiety and depression and its gentle nature calms tension and stress. Lemon balm has a tonic effect on the heart and circulatory systems. Plant a little patch of lemon balm in the garden to bring an uplifting, sunny energy.
* Lemon balm may interfere with the action of thyroid hormones.

Aloysia citrodora
Family: Verbenaceae
Habitat: A warm weather herb best planted in spring after the last frost. Grow in full sun and rich, free-draining soil. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf
Lemon Verbena is a fragrant herb that inspires clearing of mental and emotional blocks. Its uplifting aroma reduces anxiety and evokes a sense of calm, and the plant in its nature has a wonderfully protective energy.

LEMONGRASS (LEH-muhn-gras)
Cymbopogon citratus
Family: Poaceae
Habitat: Thrives in hot weather, full sun, fertile, well-drained soil. The plant can reach up to 5 ft tall. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf, Stem
Lemongrass gives a sense of calm while revitalizing the mind and body. Taken as a tea it can ease stomach cramps and indigestion. Burn as incense for strength and purification. Carry in a sachet to attract the object of your desire.

LICORICE (LI-kr-uhsh)
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Family: Fabaceae
Habitat: Licorice likes plenty of water, sun, and sandy soil. It needs a hot climate with low annual rainfall. Perennial. Parts Used: Root
Licorice has an innate ability to synergize herbs and it is often implored in medicinal herbal formulas. It is one of the original fifty Chinese medicinal herbs and is used widely in herbal medicine. It has nutritive and life-giving properties and an affinity for the throat, lungs, and liver. Licorice may be used to heal the gastrointestinal tract and protect the respiratory system.
* Do not consume if pregnant, have heart disease, liver disease, or hypertension. Chronic use may cause hypokalemia, headache, hypertension, weak limbs, dizziness, and edema.

LYMPHATIC: Pertaining to the lymphatic system.

NERVINE: Relaxant that eases anxiety and tension by soothing the body and mind.

Urtica dioica
Family: Urticaceae
Habitat: A very hearty plant. Grows well in a variety of climates and conditions but prefers temperate zones and moist, nitrogen- rich soil. Full sun to partial shade. To cultivate, you may divide an existing patch of roots and plant them where you wish, or sow seeds directly into the ground. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf, Stem, Root
This nutritive plant encourages vitality and strength and supports the whole-body system. Nettle demands presence and awareness when harvested. Tiny prickly hairs on the stem and backs of leaves sting the skin, so best to harvest with gloves. The young fresh leaves can be cooked to provide the body with vitamin A and C, calcium, and iron. Nettle tonifies the digestive organs, acts as a blood purifier and is a wonderful ally to new mothers by promoting milk flow.

OREGANO (uh-REG-uh-noh or uh-REH-guh-now)
Origanum vulgare
Family: Lamiaceae
Habitat: Thrives in rugged growing conditions but prefers well-drained, dry soil and full sun. Generally planted in spring or fall from rooted cutting from existing plants. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf, Flower
The word Oregano derives from Greek, meaning “joy of the mountain.” It has been used for thousands of years as a cure-all and in cooking. Oregano is considered a tonic herb and is used to support the respiratory and digestive systems and boost immunity. It has strong antimicrobial properties and may be used to treat a wide variety of stomach disorders. Antimicrobial. Anti-viral. Anti- fungal.

Mentha piperita
Family: Lamiaceae
Habitat: Widely cultivated all over the world and grows best in moist soil. Full sun to partial shade. Plant in spring. Summer blooms of small white or purple flowers attract bees and butterflies. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf, Stem
Peppermint is most known as a digestive soother. It is a gentle nervine and eases stress and tension while rejuvenating the nervous system. The strong aroma is uplifting and refreshing. The plant is a symbol of protection from illness and was often hung by the front door as a universal symbol of welcome.
* Should not be consumed in high doses if pregnant or breastfeeding.

PINK PEPPERCORN (pingk PEH-pr-korn)
Schinus terebinthifolia
Habitat: Plant pink peppercorn in spring. Water regularly so it can establish an extensive root system. Prefers semi-humid, hot climates. Ordinary soil and full sun Grows quickly and can reach 50 ft in just a few years. An excellent shade tree that resists cold temperatures. Evergreen.
Parts Used: Fruit
Pink Peppercorn is not a peppercorn at all. The small red fruit comes from an evergreen tree in the cashew family that is picked and dried. The flavor is slightly fruity with a mild heat. Emotionally, pink peppercorn acts as a stimulant and increases alertness and stamina.
* Can have toxic side-effects when eaten in high doses.

RASPBERRY LEAF (RAZ-beh-ree leef)
Rubus idaeus
Habitat: Inclined to grow in temperate regions, but many varieties lend themselves to a range of planting zones. The shrubs are self-fertile, so you only need one bush to produce fruit. It will start fruiting one year after planting. Raspberry Leaf must be pruned every year to continue producing fruit. Perennial.
Parts Used: Fruit, Leaf
Raspberry Leaf is a highly nutritive herb that contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The plant is ruled by the planet Venus and the element water. It has an affinity to the female reproductive system, but also supports fertility and prostate health in men.

Aspalathus linearis
Habitat: Rooibos has not been successfully grown outside of the Cederberg Region of the Western Cape, South Africa. It flourishes in hot summers and cool winters at high elevation, planted in well-drained sandy soil. Rooibos shrubs grow up to 6 ft tall and the leaves and fine branches may be harvested after 12-18 months of growth. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf, Stem
This aromatic shrub is part of the legume family and has long been considered a wonder bush with many medicinal properties. It is rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamin C and is a strong heart tonic.

ROSE (rOhz)
Habitat: Roses are tough survivors and will thrive with little care. The bushes are best grown in well-drained, moist, fertile soil and full sun. Plant in deep holes, partially filled with amended soil and follow planting instructions for your rose type. Keep roses well- watered and mulched during dry weather and give extra attention to the bushes in spring to encourage opulent blooms. Perennial.
Parts Used: Flower, Hip
Rose, often called the Queen of Flowers, supports the nervous system, and soothes the heart. It cools agitation, lends hope and space, and brings a feeling of love, wellbeing, and peace. The red rose is a symbol of romantic love and passion, and roses represent all aspects of the Goddess. The aroma of rose allows your heart to stay open. Roses are ruled by the planet Venus.

Rosmarinus officinalis
Habitat: Plant in well-drained, dry, rocky to sandy soil and full sun. Drought tolerant but does not tolerate cold temperatures well. Plant in late spring after any threat of frost. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf, Stem
The name Rosemary derives from the Latin, rosmarinus, which means “dew of the sea”. The plant can survive with very little water and even thrive with just moist, oceanic breezes. Rosemary has been used for centuries to impart radiant health. It encourages cognitive function, boosts immunity, and increases circulation. Rosemary is a universal symbol of remembrance, love and loyalty.

SAGE (seyj or sayj)
Salvia officinalis
Family: Lamiaceae
Habitat: One of the easiest herbs to grow. Prefers rich, well-drained loam soil and full sun. Seeds can be planted in spring just after the last threat of frost. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf
Sage is an important healing plant and is respected wherever it grows. It strengthens the nervous system and supports the lungs and digestion. It has a calming and cleansing effect on people and environments. Sage is a classic tonic that provides a sense of deep nourishment and foundational restoration.
* Do not consume large amounts of sage if you are pregnant or nursing.

Scutellaria lateriflora
Family: Lamiaceae
Habitat: Thrives in well-drained moist, fertile soil. Full sun to partial shade. Grows up to 2 ft tall. Produces bright blue flowers. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf, Stem
Skullcap has feminine energetics and is a powerful ally to the nervous system. It gently releases stuck thought patterns and quiets the mind. Skullcap is a relaxing nervine and positively impacts one’s mood.
* Skullcap may increase the effects of sedative medications.

STAR ANISE (stahr AN-is)
Illicium verum
Family: Schisandraceae
Habitat: Requires full sun to partial shade and constant moisture. It can be grown in almost any soil type. Takes at least six years to fruit if grown from seed. Perennial.
Parts Used: Fruit
Star Anise supports the digestive and reproductive system and has a beautiful sweet and warming aroma. This masculine spice is ruled by air and the planet Jupiter, and energetically brings good fortune and sweetness.

STEVIA (STEE-vee-uh)
Stevia rebaudiana
Family: Asteraceae
Habitat: Grows best in rich, well-drained soil with cooler summers and strong sunlight. Does not tolerate freezing temperatures. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf
The stevia plant originated in South America and is widely used as a natural, calorie-free sugar substitute. Historically, it was thought to lower blood pressure and reduce hypertension.
* Avoid Stevia if pregnant or trying to conceive.

TARRAGON (TAR-uh-gaan)
Artemisia dracunculus
Family: Asteraceae
Habitat: Tarragon does not like wet conditions. Best grown in well-drained, sandy light soil. Grows up to 3 ft tall. Can’t be sown from seed, so young plants or cuttings must be planted. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf
The name Tarragon comes from the Latin, dracunculus, which means “little dragon”. This is referring to the curling root system that is shaped like a dragon’s tail. Tarragon has a beautiful, sweet flavor and the scent energetically grounds one in the physical body. It stimulates appetite and may lower blood glucose levels.
* Therapeutic doses should not be taken by pregnant or nursing women.

THYME (tahym)
Thymus vulgaris
Family: Lamiaceae
Habitat: A low growing, woody herb that thrives in well-drained soil and full sun. Can be planted at almost any time of year and will mature in a few short months. Thyme can be rather difficult to propagate from seed. The more common method is to take stem cuttings and root them, then plant in soil. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf, Flowering Tops
Thyme is a well-known herb used for both culinary and medicinal use. It supports the immune and digestive system, and the essential oil can be added to massage oils and baths to relieve aches and pains. An herbal steam can relieve congestion. Thyme symbolizes courage and emotional strength.
* Thyme should not be consumed in large amounts by pregnant women though culinary use is considered safe.

TONIC: Nurturing, balancing, enlivening. An herb or substance that is safe and beneficial to consume daily.

Ocimum tenuiflorum
Family: Lamiaceae
Habitat: Grows best in rich, moist soil with good drainage. Full to partial sun. It does not tolerate any frost. Can be easily propagated from seed or cuttings. Annual.
Parts Used: Leaf, Flower
Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, is a potent apoptogenic herb that enhances the body’s ability to balance stress hormones. It strengthens the heart and vascular system and protects by efficiently moving toxins out of the body. It is a sacred plant in Hindu religion and is planted outside of homes and temples for protection and good fortune. Tulsi energetically supports clarity, health, and vibrancy.

Curcuma longa
Family: Zingiberaceae
Habitat: Grows in most tropical regions. Requires well drained soil and lots of rainfall or supplemental water. Perennial.
Parts Used: Rhizome
Turmeric has potent anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties. It can enhance circulation in the body and support the liver's ability to clear toxins. It is used to treat chronic neurological and age-related diseases. The root is used in natural dying, creating a bright yellow hue that is associated with the sun, abundance, and happiness. Turmeric symbolizes fertility and prosperity.
* Turmeric should not be used medicinally by pregnant women or by those who have gallstones, stomach ulcers, or hyperacidity of the stomach.

Bergamot fistulosa
Family: Lamiaceae
Habitat: Grows best in full to partial sun. Well drained alkaline soil, sandy loam or clay. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf, Flower
Wild Bergamot is an aromatic plant with a strong and pleasing spicy aroma, attractive to bees and other pollinators including butterflies and hummingbirds. The flowers are distinct and range in color from lavender to pink. Monarda has a high thymol content with many antibacterial, antifungal, and anesthetic properties. The tea is useful for fevers, stomachaches, and can be used as a gentle sleep aid. Wild Bergamot is feminine in nature and associated with the moon.
* Monarda species should not be consumed during pregnancy.

Achillea millefolium
Family: Asteraceae
Habitat: Thrives in hot, dry conditions in full sun with well-drained soil. This drought tolerant herb is best planted in the fall and is easy to grow from seed. Perennial.
Parts Used: Leaf, Flower, Stem
Yarrow has ferny foliage and abundant, tightly packed flower clusters. The plant stimulates wound healing, digestion, and tones the vascular system. Yarrow symbolizes healing and love, is said to balance yin and yang, and inspire an alignment with Heaven and Earth. Yarrow offers protection and allows us to draw in and manage our energy, to tend to our healing process and balance the creative flow. Yarrow with white umbel flowers is most medicinal.
* Do not consume yarrow during pregnancy.

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